- 爱人就是爱人,只要去爱,不要拿来比较。
不要老说别人的老公如何如何好,别数落他没出息,你是他最亲密的人,你还这么说他,好象不太应该,对大多数男人来说,赞赏和鼓励比辱骂更能让他有奋斗的力量。何况,爱他还忍心伤害他吗?爱他一定要尊重他,再生气也不可以出口伤人,言语的伤口有时一生都在流血的。身体的伤害很容易治愈,精神的伤害后果是可怕的。 - 不可以整天追问对方爱不爱你。
他若真爱你,你不必问;他若不爱你,他已做了你的丈夫,难道他会对自己的妻子明确地承认吗?除非他不想要这段婚姻了。他对你的爱,用心去体会就品味出来了。爱是做出来的,不是说出来的。老挂在口头上不落到实际的爱太苍白无力,婚姻是现实的,生活是现实的,风花雪月的恋爱,不是真实的生活。婚姻是从柴米油盐中感受爱。 - 不要摆脸色给对方看,一个生气的女人是很丑陋的。
他工作已有许多压力,没有义务回家还要看你的脸色哄你开心。对方性格上会有缺点,生活细节会与你不同,令你不满意,但他怎么可能是完美的,在你面前,他要放下面具,做回自己,做个普通人。宽容是做人和对待婚姻应有的态度。 - 男人对自己的尊严看得比什么都重要,不管在私下他有多么宠爱你,多么怕你。
在人前一定要给足对方面子,让他做天不怕地不怕老婆更不怕的他口中的顶天立地的男子汉,他应该不大会喜欢朋友们开玩笑取笑他怕老婆。除非他有足够的强大后盾和高高在上的身份,可是,我们大多是普通人呀。 - 男人骨子里全都喜欢美女,但千万别误以为他好色。
男人看到美女会目不转睛或回头行注目礼,你别认为他不爱你,也别认为他好色,爱看美女是男人的本能,与品格无关。何况,爱美知心人皆有之。你难道没偷看过帅哥吗? - 不要太虚荣,不要太功利。
物质的追求是无止境的,你是活自己,不是活给别人看的,鞋子合不合脚只有自个知道,舒服最重要,其它的都是装饰,是虚设。何况俗话说:千金易得,有情郎难寻。真爱无价,情义无价。 - 男人为何喜欢温柔的女人,因为他们内心很脆弱,不象外表般坚强,他们需要妻子的柔情似水,柔声细语,轻怜蜜爱。
只要你有温雅如兰的外表和气质,有吐气如兰的声音,有含情脉脉的眼波,他们很容易化百炼钢为绕指柔的,温瑞安有本书叫《温柔一刀》,温柔,可以杀死一个男人的,对于男人,那是致命的诱惑。 - 家庭永远是第一。
我们固然要对工作负责,要有职业道德,要从工作中得到乐趣,但不要做工作的奴隶,我们工作是为了更快乐地和家人在一起,享受生活,享受生命很重要。 - 爱人的父母就是自己的父母。
Saturday, May 27, 2006
现代好妻子 - 第二章
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
A Happy Marriage (Part 2)
A Happy Marriage (Part 2)
In the last article, we talked about some tips to keep in mind for a happy and lasting marriage.
Briefly, these were - being happy with yourself and your life before you can be capable of making your spouse happy, considering the new entity of "we" in a marriage without becoming co-dependent, leaving behind the emotional baggage of past relationships, and making your spouse your priority.
Today, let's look at more ways to keep your marriage rewarding and joyful. I'd like to emphasise again how important it is to ensure that your marriage is your top priority. You didn't get married to commute two hours a day, or work at the office 60 hours a week. You probably got married to share your life, your hopes, your dreams (not your bills) with that special someone.
During life's ups and especially during life's downs, keep in mind why you married in the first place. Not jobs, nor cars, nor your favorite sports team. At one time, your partner was the most important thing in this world to you. Act like it today and every day.
Don't compare. This holds true in your life as well as in your marriage. There will always be a couple that seems happier, wealthier, sexier, and more perfect than you two are. So what? Their happiness doesn't increase or diminish your happiness. Neither does their money, their jobs, their house, or their glamour.
All that matters is whether you and your spouse have created a relationship that works for you.
Don't wonder "what if?" Wondering what it would be like to be with another person-for a night or for a lifetime-is self-delusion and is really unfair to your spouse. You see other people socially when they are at their best. You see your spouse when he/she is at his best, her average, and sometimes at her worst. If you could swap mates, guess what? You'd see that person at his/her worst, and you probably wouldn't like what you see.
In the last article, we talked about some tips to keep in mind for a happy and lasting marriage.
Briefly, these were - being happy with yourself and your life before you can be capable of making your spouse happy, considering the new entity of "we" in a marriage without becoming co-dependent, leaving behind the emotional baggage of past relationships, and making your spouse your priority.
Today, let's look at more ways to keep your marriage rewarding and joyful. I'd like to emphasise again how important it is to ensure that your marriage is your top priority. You didn't get married to commute two hours a day, or work at the office 60 hours a week. You probably got married to share your life, your hopes, your dreams (not your bills) with that special someone.
During life's ups and especially during life's downs, keep in mind why you married in the first place. Not jobs, nor cars, nor your favorite sports team. At one time, your partner was the most important thing in this world to you. Act like it today and every day.
Don't compare. This holds true in your life as well as in your marriage. There will always be a couple that seems happier, wealthier, sexier, and more perfect than you two are. So what? Their happiness doesn't increase or diminish your happiness. Neither does their money, their jobs, their house, or their glamour.
All that matters is whether you and your spouse have created a relationship that works for you.
Don't wonder "what if?" Wondering what it would be like to be with another person-for a night or for a lifetime-is self-delusion and is really unfair to your spouse. You see other people socially when they are at their best. You see your spouse when he/she is at his best, her average, and sometimes at her worst. If you could swap mates, guess what? You'd see that person at his/her worst, and you probably wouldn't like what you see.
Commitment means no matter what. It's as simple as making the decision to be totally committed to your spouse and to the relationship. No matter what happens financially, or health wise, or otherwise. No matter what. Once the two of you have decided to stay "no matter what", there is no question of stay or go, yes or no. Now the emphasis is on problem solving. And all couples have problems. Happy couples learn to deal with their problems. Unhappy couples eventually just run away.
A happy marriage won't happen by itself. It takes intention, commitment, and practice. But the couples who have happy, blissful, and satisfying marriages are proof that it is possible. Just choose to be happy, and choose to be happily married.
A Happy Marriage (Part 1)
A Happy Marriage (Part 1)
So you've found someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. And you've decided to get married.
There's no manual for a happy marriage, but you have a pretty good feeling that your love will help you weather the storms all relationships inevitably go through. In addition to that, here are some things to remember for a happy and healthy marriage.
1. It starts with you
The happier you are with yourself and your life, the more attractive you are to your partner. Another way to look at this is: if you were someone else, would you marry you? Start today to work on being the kind of person you would want to know, date, and marry. If you're not that kind of person, how can you expect your spouse to stay attracted or stay passionate?
2. There's you, there's him/her, and then there's we.
You don't have to give up your identity or be known as your spouse's partner.
It also doesn't work when two people each do their own thing without regard to their partner's wishes and feelings. Marriage is, and should be, more than cohabitation. As the marriage vows state, "two shall be as one". That "one" is neither you nor him. The "one" is a third entity: the relationship, the marriage, the "we". The "we" is what you share, what you have in common, the nurturing that cannot be provided on your own. Think companionship, intimacy, and sharing.
3. Leave behind your emotional baggage
Are you really over your previous relationship? If not, you can't fully commit to your spouse. Likewise, if you are still Daddy's little girl or Mommy's boy, you are not in control of your own life. Therefore, you cannot fully enter into an adult relationship of mutual sharing and support. You can't be accountable to your spouse if you have to keep pleasing Mommy or Daddy.
4. Your marriage comes first
Marriage is the strongest bond between two people.
Parents are here and one day they are gone. Children grow into adults and leave to start their own lives. Your spouse is only person who is meant to stay with you the rest of your time on this planet. Women who say their children come first are usually unable to let their children grow up and become independent adults. These women are always surprised when their mates get tired of being number two, and decide to leave for someone else who WILL put them first.
Friday, May 19, 2006
傷害 。。。
先生和太太都是誠懇又平凡的市場商販,求助的問題則使人忍不住感歎「怎麼會有人這樣? 丈夫的困擾是:二十多年來,太太完全不准他回家看父母,也不讓孩子看祖父母,跟婆家完全鬧翻了。那還不打緊,太太每日照三餐對他叨念婆婆家過去的罪行,重複再重複也不厭倦,有時半夜心血來潮,還會把丈夫叫醒來叨念一番,丈夫已二十年未曾睡好覺、吃好飯。這位太太是一位「長男的媳婦」,向來勤儉持家,做牛做馬。婆家到底有多麼對不起太太呢?
Thursday, May 18, 2006
6/5/06 新加波大选, 公共假期。 利用那天和月丽,金凤去吃自助餐。 太好了,已经好久没有如此轻松。
Olive Tree at Intercontinental Hotel, high tee on saturday cost S$28.00 +++ per person, you can enjoy from 1pm to 5pm! Great! Food variety not so fatastic but taste good. A bit disappointed on pastries, not much selection on cakes. But overall 气氛 was good. We have a lot of time to chit chat and eat in slow pace, no hurry.
Friday, May 05, 2006
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